A New Resolution

Posted by: Andee / Category: , , ,

I had an idea to keep myself practicing my photography... every day I will post at least one photo I took. I would LOVE feedback, ideas, and most importantly honesty. If you think my photo sucks, let me know...

I have been working on a letter to send out to my family when I resign from the Mormon Church. Mom and I have a meeting with her bishop (stake president might be there as well) and we plan on stating the case for why we are leaving. She was raised in the church to the point that she wants to be absolutely certain she is making the right decision on leaving, and I respect that. Growing up, she was taught that there was no worse sin than turning your back on the church. It's very scary to leave when you have been taught your whole life that Satan will try to lead you astray. She wants to give her bishop a chance to explain some of this, but there is zero doubt in my mind that he won't be able to give an explanation other than, "Read your scriptures and pray about it." Prayer doesn't change facts.

At first I thought I might go into the meeting asking the bishop questions about what I have learned, but after wonderful advice from my friends on PostMormon.org I think stating the reason I am leaving will be the best move.

Over the Christmas holiday PostMormon.org had enough money in donations to purchase a full page color ad in the Salt Lake Tribune. It was awesome to see so many people come together for a cause that is so important. It's not an anti-Mormon movement of any kind, it's just letting the people who are questioning the Church know that there is support out there... and that hope is not lost for them.

I hope everyone's New Year has been awesome so far, take care!