Cupcake Confessions...

Posted by: Andee / Category: , ,

I have a confession to make.

I am slightly obsessed with cupcakes lately. Okay, slightly obsessed isn't a correct term... lets choose the word... totally. Yes. Totally obsessed.

Last week my brother and my sister-in-law gave me a belated Christmas present (only belated due to the weather and the lack of being able to travel over two mountain passes in December snowstorms!). Tons of baking sheets, including a normal sized cupcake baking sheet. I had a mini-cupcake baking sheet, and never really had the extra dough (no pun intended) to shell (not a silly baking-egg-reference... promise) to buy a normal sized cupcake pan.

This past Sunday I set about making tons of cupcakes. I had a blast. I really enjoyed it. I even took the camera and practiced a little food photography with the results. Imagine my surprise when "Cupcakes Take the Cake," a blog that I have followed for a while, used my photos and instructions for the surprise Cherry Cupcakes I made.

I was surprised that anyone besides me would be interested in the baked goods... it was a really huge honor that I didn't expect at ALL.

Anyway, I have decided to start a new series on WindySydney about all things cupcake. It's a huge departure from the ex-Mormon rantings we are all used to (and they are not going anywhere... believe me. Any ex-Mormon in Utah will tell you that you are confronted with the aspects of Mormonism every single day as you go about your daily life!) but it should be fun. I hope to share some how-to stuff, photos of my successes (or dismal failures) and recipies for the goodies as well.

I will have to do this stuff on my days off from work, and that is completely random depending on when the store needs help. Hopefully I will be able to have a cupcake edition once a week... if not, thats okay... right?

Pleasant Eating!


  1. Unknown Says:

    Very cool! I ove cupcakes, ever since my litle boy got an easy bake oven we are baking something in both ovens every week.

    I learned a cool trick from a chef at a cooking class once, she put 2 tbsp or very black coffee into every batch of chocolate cupcakes or cake. You can't taste the coffee but it brings out the taste of the chocolate.

    Would you mind if I put your cherry cupcake directions on my food blog with the pics too? its

  1. Andee Says:

    Demand More,

    You are more than welcome to use the photos and directions! No problem!!


  1. Anonymous Says:

    omg I LOVE cupcakes!!! I went to every fancy bakery in the chicago area when I was pregnant with my son because I had the biggest craving...and still do apparently..LOL