Christmas Is In The Air

Posted by: Andee / Category: , , ,

Well, I have already posted about my black Friday experience and how insane people get around the Holidays, but this really has nothing to do with the commercial side of the holiday. It has everything to do with memories.

A few minutes ago I was flipping through the television channels and I saw a small clip of one of those old holiday specials, "Santa Claus is Coming to Town."

I used to sit with my Mom, Dad and brothers and watch these specials every single year. It brought back some fantastic memories, and then I was sad. I miss my Dad, I miss the times that my entire family got together and chilled in front of the television screen. I miss my Mom bringing us a huge batch of rice krispie treats.

I miss the past.

Don't get me wrong, I totally appreciate the things I have now... I have a roof over my head, food in my belly and a good life... I just treasure those times.



  1. Anonymous Says:


    I know how it feels to miss the past, even though you are happy with the present.

    When I first began to investigate LDS, both my aunt (who was like a second mother to me) and my grandmother completely cut me out of their lives. They said I was joining a cult and that Satan had taken over my life and they couldn't be anywhere near me because of that. Even though I had only just begun my investigations into the church at that time, they didn't care. Just the mere fact that I would be looking into it made them cut me out of their lives. It makes me sad that they didn't have the confidence in me that, given time and intelligence, I would see that the LDS was, in fact, a hateful and evil mind-controlling cult.

    My friends ask me if the fact that I didn't join the church and still lost two very important people in my life because of it makes it even harder to handle. At first it did, but now I just take it down to its most basic element and that is that if they were willing to throw me away so easily, they were not the people I thought they were anyway.

    So anyway, sob story aside, I just wanted you to know that I know how it feels to miss the people and traditions in our past but to at the same time, relish where we are now. I just try to draw strength from the people and traditions who have stood the test of time - a momentary insanity!

    Michelle S.

  1. Andee Says:


    You are right. It really sucks when the people we love really don't love us unconditionally. Regardless of what we believe or what we DON'T believe anymore in my case.

    I continue to treasure the relationships I have and I will look back at this time in my life and miss *it* in time, huh?



  1. Anonymous Says:


    That's exactly it - we think they love us unconditionally until they are tested. It may take years for a test to arise, but when it does, it is usually a humdinger! Sometimes I think that the pain from these types of situations really comes more from being disappointed in ourselves for having trusted and loved someone who clearly didn't deserve it than from the pain of the loss of a relationship.

    I often wonder if people like this, who drop people from their lives at the slightest sign of turbulence, ever come to a point where they realize how short sighted and "conditional" their love was. Probably not, because if they had that kind of insight to begin with, they would never have dropped you from their lives in the first place.

    Knowing that, even now, I look back to certain times in my life with nostalgia, with that "oh, things were so simple then," kind of hindsight, I'm sure that someday I will look back at this time in my life the same way. I just always hope that I am getting a little smarter with each painful event so I can appreciate that at least I learned something from them.


    Michelle S.