I decided to spend part of my day learning how to work with fondant. I need tons of practice, but I thought I would share my first attempt. I will get better :)
I also made some killer white chocolate cherry cookies for work... click here for my baking blog.. and the recipe.

WindySydney began as an online journal detailing my exit from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Since leaving the Mormon Church, I have come to the conclusion that religion does more harm than good. I have also become an atheist, looking for logic and reason instead of accepting things on faith.
I also blog about things going on in my life. I am learning photography, I have a severe addiction to diet coke, I am a proud vegetarian, and I have two of the cutest cats in the world. Life is officially an adventure without the magical fairy-tale ending. I plan on enjoying it.
Since leaving the Mormon Church, I have come to the conclusion that religion does more harm than good. I have also become an atheist, looking for logic and reason instead of accepting things on faith.
I also blog about things going on in my life. I am learning photography, I have a severe addiction to diet coke, I am a proud vegetarian, and I have two of the cutest cats in the world. Life is officially an adventure without the magical fairy-tale ending. I plan on enjoying it.
Blog Archive
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- Woot!!!
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- I Love Bill Maher
- Too Good Not To Share...
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- 2 Funny As Hell Book of Mormon Reviews!
- Awesome Letter For Bishop Asshat
- Bishop Asshat
- I Hate Wal-Mart
- Post Mormon Articles of Faith
- It's Your Problem!
- Utah's Governor Supports Civil Unions
- Confessing
- 8 Customers Everyone Hates
- Strengthening Members Committee
- Pure Evil
- Mormon Church Admits It Spent 100 Times More For P...
- I Stumped Him!
- This Needs To Stop...
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- The Mishies
These People Like Me

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February 20, 2009 at 11:01 PM
I think they look pretty, especially the cupcakes.
Nice job!
February 21, 2009 at 5:32 AM
Those rose cupcakes look awesome. We NEED to bake together.
February 21, 2009 at 5:58 PM
Thanks, guys!
Are you ever up in the Logan area? You are welcome any time!!! I mean it! Just let me know so I can clean the place up! My apartment is usually messy because I LIVE WITH A BOY!
February 21, 2009 at 7:18 PM
I've actually never been to Logan (except to drive through it on my way to Canada, and only once).
We need to figure something out though.
February 22, 2009 at 5:56 PM
We totally need to figure something out. I am poor and without a car, so that sucks. Hopefully I can make my way to the city, or you can make your way here.
One thing is for sure... we would have an effing blast!