It's no secret that I am a huge animal lover. I can't even bring myself to eat meat anymore... of course, I still buy it for my animals. I guess that doesn't make me a real vegetarian, does it? Hmm... inquiring minds want to know...
Last week I received a flickr friend request from Biscuit Fund. I was curious, so I clicked on the link they provided me and my heart was warmed immediately. Biscuit Fund is a fund for providing emergency medical treatment for homeless and wild animals. Both Abbey Road and Spooky Bear, my "children" were rescued, and they have brought me so much joy in my life. I wanted to share some of the stories, so I added Biscuit Fund as a friend, and asked permission to share the photos and stories of some of the animals on their flickr page. Thankfully, they gave permission :)
No, this isn't my Abby... although they both have that cute stripe thing going on. This is Abby's story:
Meowy day to you good people, my name is Abby and I am an 8 year-old Tabby cat. When I was living with my previous family I knew that something funny was going on. I started to see all these boxes and all of their things kept going inside the boxes. Then one day I meowed at the back door to be let in and no one came to answer my call. My guardians had moved and left me behind. This was especially hard on me since I had been declawed and that's a pretty scary situation to be in outside minus your defenses. The next people that moved into my house were very nice but they couldn't keep me either so they brought me to the Comox Valley SPCA. Thanks to the Biscuit Fund I am going to receive a full dental cleaning for my very dirty teeth and then I will find a new home where I will hopefully stay for a very long time.
My heart broke. They just moved and left their cat... their declawed cat!! This poor creature!! Thankfully, they have raised $600 of the $750 needed for Abby's medical care and she will be able to find a new home soon!

Hello, my name is Alexandria and I am an adult grey and white female cat. I was a stray cat before the Surrey SPCA came to my rescue! While I was in their care they discovered that I was pregnant (oops!) so I got to go to a nice and fancy foster home to have my kittens. I spent eight weeks there, nursing my kittens, teaching them manners (kids these days) and breaking up the kitten fights. Before I can be adopted I require a dental cleaning, I think that will be a piece of cake after giving birth to several kittens!
Thanks to online donations Alex now has the money she needed for her dental work. I hope she finds a loving home as soon as possible... she deserves to live like a princess.

Hi! My name is Baby and I am a 4 month-old male tabby kitten. I won't be a baby for very long so I hope my name changes eventually! Imagine that, calling a big tough, adventurous kitten like me Baby. Meow! I was a stray kitten (tough stray kitten) living the stray kitten life on the streets of Kelowna before I arrived at the SPCA. I'm kinda glad I was brought here since it was starting to get chilly outside! While I was staying at the shelter I developed a cold and that led to my eye becoming infected. This is my before picture here but thanks to the Biscuit Fund I received a surgery to have my painful eye removed. Can you imagine how much tougher I look now? Grrr... no one's going to call me Baby again!
This kitten has been through so much. I hope "baby" finds a good home... and soon.

Hello, my name is Banjo and I am 4 month-old Blue Tick Hound. I was living in a puppy mill when I injured my leg. I thought it would be fun to go in the barn and to venture out into the loft, but then I slipped and fell and broke my leg. My guardian couldn't afford the cost of my medical treatment so I was surrendered to the Nanaimo SPCA. Even though my leg really hurt, I was a really good boy so all the shelter staff and volunteers really really like me! Thanks to the Biscuit Fund I am to receive surgery to fix my leg so I can go back to being an adventurous puppy!
I am happy to announce that Banjo has healed from his surgery and he was adopted into a loving home. He now enjoys being a puppy and doing puppy things. Thats how it should be.
The last story I am going to share means a lot to me.
I grew up in the middle of nowhere, and when you grow up in the middle of nowhere, you have the opportunity to be around horses. My Mom and I have always loved horses, although there is no way we could afford one right now. If I ever win the lottery, I will build a log cabin in the middle of nowhere and take in abused horses and other animals. I swear. Anyway, here is Benjamin's story:

Hello, my name is Benjamin and I am a 4 year-old Chestnut Quarter Horse. I was found by the side of a busy rural road in Quesnel with my front feet tethered together and I was wearing a halter with a rope attached to it. I was in a dreadful state when the BC SPCA rescued me. I was very thin, I had burrs in my tail and warts all over my face. I also had a tumor on my side. The shelter staff immediately found a wonderful foster home for me and thanks to the Biscuit Fund I received surgery to remove the tumor. With proper food and rest I found out the warts will go away. I will make someone a very good first horse as I am well mannered and have a very sweet nature!
Hello Everyone,
I'm so happy to tell you that I've been adopted by some wonderful people who have given me a super barn to live in with lots of fresh hay, water and delicious food every day.
Thank you all. I'm so grateful that I could just whinny!
Okay, so what was the point of this?
Everyone has the ability to help animals in their area. You might not be able to adopt an animal and bring them home, but if you have the time you could volunteer or even donate money to an organization like this that saves lives.
There are tons of animals on this website that still need our help. There are animal shelters in our own area that need our help. We can do it, we just need to get the word out and do what we can.
Animals mean so much to so many. We could do so much more!