I love photography. Can I just say that? I love it. Love, love, love, love it.
I was browsing the net for inspiration and I came across these photos of a girl named Alison Harvard. She is an artist who claims to have a slight obsession with blood, and she is also currently in the final three of America's Next Top Model. She's my favorite. All of these photos were taken long before she auditioned for the show... they are very dark. They tell a story. I like 'em.

Alison has a gift for drawing, painting, and taking VERY interesting photos. Some of these shots earned her a nickname on the internet. Creepy-Chan. Her eyes follow you wherever you look, it's almost scary. Okay, there is no "almost" about it. It *is* scary. And awesome.
Some of these photos look like stills from a horror movie. The images are soooo interesting.
Some of these photos look like stills from a horror movie. The images are soooo interesting.
