I just met a new neighbor.
Know what pisses me off?
When some old geezer rants and raves about how wonderful the United States of America is, and how we have the best country in the world and then in his next breath talks trash about immigrants from other countries.
Excuse me?
Wait a minute...
Aren't all Americans examples of people who came from immigrants? I mean, except for the Native American's who lost their beautiful land when we came over and forced them to live how we wanted them to live...
I was under the impression that America was known as the melting pot. A place for all cultures to come together and live how they see fit... you know... freedom? Freedom to live a good life? Make your own decisions? That kind of thing?
I have had it with "Patriotic Bigots" who immediately hate people with accents and assume they are on welfare, or here illegally. I don't want to hear some old white fart bitch and moan about how the "Mexicans" are taking all of our jobs... or how all drunk drivers are here illegally. I don't want to hear judgmental assholes complain that migrants don't want to learn English because they are lazy. I have had it.
What the Hell is wrong with some of the citizens of this country? They think their families had the right to come to America in search of a better life, but not anyone else? They think they have the right to pick and choose which people should be able to legally become citizens of this country based on their ethnicity?
It's almost as if some people think they have the right to stand up tall and say, "Mine! Not yours! Mine! My USA!"
It's so effing stupid... and you know what? It's unAmerican. Yep. I said it.
Sorry, the guy just REALLY angered me. I wanted to punch him, but I just gave him a piece of my mind instead. Now I think he's afraid of me. Thats good, cause I don't wanna talk to him again. Ugh.

WindySydney began as an online journal detailing my exit from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Since leaving the Mormon Church, I have come to the conclusion that religion does more harm than good. I have also become an atheist, looking for logic and reason instead of accepting things on faith.
I also blog about things going on in my life. I am learning photography, I have a severe addiction to diet coke, I am a proud vegetarian, and I have two of the cutest cats in the world. Life is officially an adventure without the magical fairy-tale ending. I plan on enjoying it.
Since leaving the Mormon Church, I have come to the conclusion that religion does more harm than good. I have also become an atheist, looking for logic and reason instead of accepting things on faith.
I also blog about things going on in my life. I am learning photography, I have a severe addiction to diet coke, I am a proud vegetarian, and I have two of the cutest cats in the world. Life is officially an adventure without the magical fairy-tale ending. I plan on enjoying it.
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May 18, 2009 at 12:14 PM
Yeah, as a Canadian living here, I encounter that a lot, especially when people don't know I'm not an American. The supreme nationalistic arrogance of so many is just astounding. And very, very creepy.
I watched part of the RNC during the election, and if one had replaced the word "America" with "Deutschland" it would have been nearly indistinguishable from a Nazi rally.