How I Spent My Saturday, A Photo Essay
Posted by: Andee / Category: Brother, Mom, My Photos, RandomI woke up to rain. Lots and lots and lots of rain. It's okay, I love a cloudy sky and the cozy feeling of being all wrapped up in a sweatshirt or jacket and enjoying the cooler weather. The only bad thing was that my brother and his wife were driving up for a visit and the rain was horrible on I-15. They even mentioned they couldn't see the lines on the road at one point. Scary stuff!
While Mom and I were waiting patiently for them to arrive in Logan, we went on a walk in the rain. My socks kept falling down. It drove me nuts! So, we made a return trip to my apartment so I could change socks and shoes. At least I realized they were going to be an issue before I was out and about for the day, huh?
I took this photo on the way to my Mom's house. She lives a couple blocks away, it's really nice to know that I can just walk over to see her after spending so many years in Orlando. I love it.
More rain. I love the rain... really... I do...
My brother and his wife arrived safe and sound. We decided to brave the weather (I love the rain... really) and walk down main street. These are my brother's feet. Did I mention it was raining? Because I love the rain.
Main street was practically empty. We had the place to ourselves... probably because it was raining. I love the rain.
We stopped for coffee in a little out of the way coffee shop. It was really nice being in the warm shop... because it was raining. I love the rain. Really.
This shot was taken outside of the quaint coffee shop. I had a good time balancing my 12 oz Mocha and my camera. I think I ended up wearing more coffee than I drank, but thats okay because the coffee was hot and I was cold... because it was raining. Love. The. Rain.
Another shot next to the coffee shop. It was a beautiful area... I plan on making weekly trips for coffee with extra sugar and cream.
All in all, it was a fantastic day. I spent some quality time with people who love me for me. It can't get any better than that, can it?
October 5, 2008 at 9:20 PM
Beautiful pics! It makes me want to come see Logan, I had no idea it was so nice up there.
Have you seen She has a photography section on her blog, she is really good too.
October 5, 2008 at 9:26 PM
I also love rain. Saturday morning i just lay in bed for an hour listening to the rain, and smelling it. I was marvellous.
October 6, 2008 at 2:25 PM
Demand More, I have seen that website... it's really nice. She does amazing work!
October 6, 2008 at 7:45 PM
I love pictures taken while it's raining. Those are beautiful.
October 6, 2008 at 8:37 PM
Thank you Purple Goat!!! :)