You Should Read This...
Posted by: Andee / Category: Church, God, Mormon, Religion, SigningForSomethingYou should read this... not only is there a message about the SigningForSomething.org petition delivery in Salt Lake City, it's a thoughtful and fantastic piece that makes you think.
I am more than troubled, however, by the tumult Proposition 8 -- the proposed anti-gay marriage constitutional amendment here in California -- has wrought. Those speaking in the name of their God and prophets, led principally by out-of-state Mormons and joined by evangelical Christians, have made the removal of my rights a holy war for the new century. (Orthodox Jews so far seem to be staying out of the fray, certainly not leading the effort with money or public protests.)For the rest of the article from the Huffington Post, click here...
October 21, 2008 at 6:44 PM
I think you forgot to post the hyperlink to the Huffington Post.
October 21, 2008 at 6:52 PM
Hahaha... oops!
October 21, 2008 at 6:59 PM
Um, yeah... and now I can't find it. Sometimes I can be a moron.