Update: It is now, officially, too late to get your letter submitted in time to be included in the group delivery on Friday in Salt Lake City. However, your letters and names added to the petition are still needed as we will keep up the effort until the election. Thank you to everyone!
I have been honored to have been a part of the SigningForSomething.org group. I have not even come close to the time and attention other members have put into the website and cause, but I am proud to say that I will be standing next to them on Friday when we deliver each and every letter sent to the website in person to Church Headquarters in Salt Lake City.
Andrew Callahan, the man who has put more time into this than anyone else, has been threatened with excommunication from the church because he took a stand with his morals. He refused to let the church silence him, and he is on his way to Utah right now. I have spoken with him on the phone, and I cannot wait to shake his hand in person.
For those wanting to write a letter, or simply sign the petition, please go to the signingforsomething.org website and tell the church how you feel about this issue. We can't stand back and do nothing.

There are also a group of people who plan on resigning their membership from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints on election day in protest of their involvement in political matters. There is no pressure at all to do this, as resigning is a very personal decision to make. The option, however, is there.
I would like to thank everyone who has taken the time to write a letter, note, or even a single sentence on the website. Each and every person counts. Don't forget that.
Andee Joy Duncan
Providence, Utah