I found this a few minutes ago and it made me laugh out loud. Have to share it...
The folks at the Salamander Society had a contest or sorts to caption this photo. Here are some of my favorites...
Monson: I am a child of God......
Gordon: You suck at singing. You're making God go deaf. Shut up because then He can't listen to people complain. - 02/16/2008 - YeahYeah
Monson: Brothers and Sisters, I have a confession. The church is bullshit. There is no truth to it. It was all a scam to make Joseph rich. Please go home and find another false god to worship. There I've said it! I feel so much better now.
Hinckley: Tom! Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!! What will happen to all my beautiful temples and my shopping mall?????? - 04/11/2006 - Helemon
Monson & Hinkley: Lay down the boogie and play that funky music 'till you die! -Mujun