Mass Resignation... Update

Posted by: Andee / Category: , , ,

I took this photo with my new camera lens!! I love it!

I would like to thank everyone that has been so supportive of the mass resignation idea. After throwing around some ideas on, other organizers and myself have decided to create a website people can go to for updates, as well as the letter you can print out and send in yourself if you would like to. We plan on sending the letters on July 24, 2008, on pioneer day. For those who don't know, pioneer day is a holiday in Utah that celebrates the pioneers making it to Utah after walking across the plains. We hope that we will be pioneers in our own right.

Now comes the part that is hard to sell...

In order for this to be taken seriously, and we want it to be taken seriously... we need to be able to verify all names that sign onto the petition online. If you want to take part in this event, we will need to get your name and possibly your address/telephone number in order to prove we are not fudging the numbers.

I know how hard it is for Mormons and Ex-Mormons to give out that information. Not only is it a huge step mentally and emotionally, it's hard when your family and friends realize you are stepping away from the church for good. It causes conflict, so you would have to be prepared for that. People will know if you signed the letter, because the media might just take this and run with it.

If you are still interested, please email me at I will add your email address to those who are also interested and I will email you updates as soon as I have them. Also, please keep in mind this is a group effort. If you have any ideas or suggestions on how to make this noticed by the church, please feel free to email me at the address above, or leave a comment here on the blog.

I have had people from all over the country offer their support in this, and I am happy that so many people are willing to take a stand on the gay marriage issue.


  1. Anonymous Says:

    I offer my support for your effort, but I can't join because thankfully I was never baptized. I am so glad I really investigated the church before joining instead of using their definition of "investigation"!

    Good luck to you and keep us posted- I hope this gets huge.