An Open Letter to the A**hole in Traffic

Posted by: Andee / Category:


Yes. You.

You know I am talking to you. What the f*%^ is your problem? Was I going to slow for you? Sorry about that. I guess 10 miles per hour over the posted speed limit is much to slow for the likes of you.

I suppose that is why you kept honking your horn at me and flipping me that beautiful middle finger. Your gold Toyota Corolla was coming pretty damn close to my bumper for comfort. I had half a mind to slam on the breaks and let your sorry ass rear-end me. Does filling out police and insurance reports sound like a fun way to spend your Wednesday evening? Next time I will do it. I swear to God!

What the hell is your hurry anyway? Oh, nevermind. I saw what your destination was. Taco Time. You couldn't wait 2 more minutes to get in line at F*^$ing TACO TIME? You couldn't stand your craving for crispy bean burritos for five more minutes?

Well, A&$hole, I hope you enjoyed your Taco Time. I hope it was worth the danger you put me in, as well as the small child in the front seat of your car. Oh, and laughing at me while you were passing me was really classy d*&^wad. Some lady is going to be happy for eternity married to you. Oh... yeah... I did see that LDS license frame you had on the car.

Next time you think you have the right to treat other people on the road like this, you might just run into someone with a real case of Road Rage and you might not make it out alive. It's not a threat, I would never hurt you. Karma's a bitch though, buddy. A real bitch.

Have a pleasant day.


  1. Anonymous Says:

    Someone was doing that to my dad once, and when they reached for their Super Big Gulp my dad hit the breaks and the asshole had his entire 44 oz soda in his lap! Ha! Karmas a bitch!!

  1. Nicko Says:

    I gotta tell ya, I hate traffic and I detest people who get out of line in traffic....really chokes my chicken if you know what I mean.

    Why do people act like that though? I guess our world is changing so that technology really does get faster and people really do 'want' things quicker. I guess thats why we get rebellions like the 'slow food' movement and stuff...

  1. Andee Says:

    I totally understand where you two are coming from. I am a very good driver, at least... I think so.

    I never use my cell phone when I am behind the wheel, I never fiddle with things while I am driving like the stereo or food. I pay attention to the road. I lost a very good friend in high school to a drunk driver, and I vowed after that to always be safe behind the wheel so I wouldn't take someone else away from their families and friends. It hurt. Bad.

    When I see people switching lanes at 100 miles and hour and beeping their car horns at people who are actually driving safely it drives me insane. I immediately say a silent prayer that if this person causes an accident, they would be the only ones hurt. Sadly, it never goes that way... does it?

    I was more concerned about the little kid in his car. The way this guy was carrying on I was certain someone with much less patience than me would get pissed off enough to shoot his sorry ass. What then would happen to that child? They would also be hurt, or they would have to witness their daddy being killed?

    What the hell is wrong with these people? Ugh!

    Thanks for the comments!