Temple Names

Posted by: Andee / Category: ,

Let me start out by stating that I have never been inside the temple. I have waited for family members outside the temple buildings more times than I could count, but I was never worthy enough to walk in the building. I suppose one of my uncles, who was high on heroin at the time, was worthy enough... but that is another rant for another day.

I have studied about the temple ceremonies and they are extremely odd. There is no other way to put it. You put on white clothes, undergarments, green leafy aprons, hats, and you chant and learn super-secret handshakes you need to get into heaven. These are things that would make me laugh out loud if I saw them first hand, so it's probably a good thing I never went inside to see for myself. I probably would have laughed my ass off the whole time.

While learning about the ceremonies, I read that men and women get different names while inside the temple. When they die, they will call out to their spouse with the temple name to be reunited. Why not just use your regular name? I wonder if people have forgotten their temple names... hahaha... could you imagine if it were really necessary?

Here is the thing that ticks me off...

Women are told to tell their husbands their temple names, but men are not supposed to share their names with anyone. What the HELL? Why? Why can't women know their husband's temple name? Please!!!

No matter what area of the church I am studying at the time, there is a constant undercurrent of sexism. Men have most of the privileges, including having multiple wives in the afterlife. Why don't more women stand up and speak their minds? Because they are too scared... they don't want to rock the boat. They don't want to be known as someone who is having trouble with her testimony.

Another thing about these temple names is that all the names for the women as well as for the men are the SAME during the day. If you go through the temple with your friends from the ward, your super-secret temple name is going to be the same as your friends! I wonder how many "Emma"s there are? How many Eves? Millions. How sacred is the name if you share it with millions of people? It's just silly.

There is also a rumor that the names of the people for whom you do proxy work are recycled over and over again. There is no proof to this, but I would believe it. You have to keep people coming to the temple, or they would stop paying their tithing... just my opinion. I know plenty of people who would disagree.

Done ranting now.


  1. Nicko Says:

    Hmmm...the man who sealed my wife and I said that he believed that I could tell my wife my 'new' name. Interesting...

    'Millions' of people with the same name? Kinda exaggerating huh? People going through for the 'first time' during that actual day in that specific temple get the same name because that way if they forget it, they are able to find out. So I gather that in one day you probably get 2-3 individuals receiving their endowments for the first time (here in the Brisbane Temple), so its hardly millions Syd.

    The Temple is no more weird than both the Hebrew and Egyptian Temple Ceremonies....

  1. Andee Says:

    Hey Nicko!

    I can't believe the guy that sealed you told you that you could tell her your name! It the states that is a HUGE no-no!

    The millions quote might be an exaggeration, but hundreds of thousands of people getting the same name gets the same point across.

    The temple is weird. Period. I don't care if its more weird or less weird than anything else. Point is... it's weird.

  1. Elder Joseph Says:


    This is an excellent Blog,Well
    written and updated frequently.

    Can I advertise your blog on my next youtube video as I get a few hits on there .I'll let you approve the video beforehand though , make sure its suitable ..

    You can save alot of heartache and money for some members who just are not aware of the issues and your blog looks very friendly too.


    E J

  1. Andee Says:

    Elder Joseph,

    You are more than welcome to advertise my blog on your videos! I appreciate it! It's very kind of you to offer, thanks again.

    I work really hard on the blog, but it is a labor of love. The people I met because of this blog have become friends, and it shows that we can actually help someone else out there.

    Thank you again for everything, I am honored that you like the blog!


  1. Anonymous Says:

    You're right, the temple is a weird place. I've been through many times, in different countries and languages, and it's weird in any language. The thing is, when you're so deeply entrenched in Mormonism, it doesn't seem weird for everyone. I have had two friends that were totally freaked out their first time, but for me, I was just going along, , enjoying the scenery and feeling special, because I believed it was all true at the time. I don't know my husband's temple name, he's never told me. I wonder if he'd tell me now?

    I don't wear my garments anymore, but my husband still does. Everytime I see the marks on them now, I think "Masonic symbols". and they look so silly, really.

    Seeing temples now disgusts me. I know that's hard to fathom to the believers, but it's true. I think about all the money that goes into them, and see them as a marketing ploy, for both members and non-members alike. The work in them could be done in much simpler settings, and then what isn't spent on them could go to fund more humanitarian aid. I think to myself "would Jesus really put the building of all these overblown edifices, built in His name, before using the money to help more of the world's downtrodden and desperate?" I don't think so, but the church puts it's building fund way, way ahead of it's humanitarian aid donations.

    As a true-believing Mormon, I also didn't see the sexism. I believed what the church was selling - that the sisters were fully equal in the eyes of the Lord. I even believed that the church wasn't pushing the don't-wait-to-get-married-and-have-babies line on the young women and young adults anymore. Then Julie Beck gave her conference talk. That was a wake up moment for me. Following her admonition would set the sisters in the church back 50 years. It wasn't until a few months later, though, that I fully lost my testimony in the church. Looking from the outside in now, it's much easier to see the sexism. My eyes were fully opened when I had a chance to read the Church's Handbook of Instruction.

    As much as the church likes to coddle the women, and whisper in their ears they are just as important as the priesthood holders, it just ain't so.

  1. Andee Says:

    Hey Kristen!

    I, too, thought over and over again how the church spends so much money building these temples with the finest of everything. Couldn't that money be put to better use? SHOULDN'T that money be put to better use?

    Why in the world would God care if you had the finest of marble, or hand carved/painted details? Wouldn't He care more about what is in the person's heart?

    This thought has ALWAYS struck me... even when I was small. I remember my grandfather telling me how beautiful the temple was, and how the church spared no expense decorating. I asked him why that money wasn't going to help the needy instead of expensive details, and he basically told me that the church gave enough to charity to compensate.

    Thing is... how does anyone know what kind of money they use for charity? The church certainly won't share the financial records, and everyone inside and outside of the church has to take their word for it. I don't know about anyone else, but after learning about so many things that were kept from me because they were not faith promoting, I can't assume they would tell the truth about their charity.

    They have lost the benefit of the doubt in my eyes. How many lies have they been caught in? Plenty.

    Julie Becks talk really pissed me off. I was actually flipping through the channels and stopped on General Conference on a whim. When I heard her sweet, singing-songy, "spirit filled" voice telling young women what they should strive for, I felt physically ill.

    Her talk alone showed many people that sexism in the church is rampant. Homemaking and having your children's clothes ironed to perfection certainly don't matter in the big picture. I doubt God would care about that either.

  1. donangelo Says:

    Hey Syd,

    I remember going to the temple to do baptisms for the dead.

    And I really felt uncomfortable because it was creepy and strange.

    because come to find out Sydney I learned from christian friends and jewish friends and from the holy bible that the mormon cult have no authority from God to be doing these types of ordinances.

    so for me that was the end of going to the temple from that point on,because that was my first time and my last time.

    because I just want to live a life that is pleaseing to the great God of Israel.

    so never again will I enter a temple it was all wrong and it was not of God,but I was young lost and had just joined the mormon cult.

    but now I am saved by grace,holy ghost filled and I am a born again christian,thank God for JESUS Christ,because THE BIBLICAL JESUS CHRIST SAVES.

  1. Anonymous Says:

    I can give you two financial numbers that have been disclosed:

    - One billion dollars in cash and materials given to humanitarian aid, over the course of 22 years (from lds.org). That's approximately 45 million a year. Not shabby at all, but in comparison to the next number, it kind of sucks.

    - Two billion dollars being spent on a mall/condo complex currently under construction in downtown SLC.

    Hmmm, apparently Jesus wants his church to put a mall ahead of charitable aid in it's budget.

    For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also

  1. Nicko Says:

    So Kristen when you read about the OT temples being in some parts solid gold, do you think the LORD was being petty then?

    I know I know, you don't believe in them anyway, but my point is pretty clear. The temples of today are supposed to emulate temples of olden times. They actually don't really cost that much to build these days in the scheme of things believe it or not. My Father is a Building Estimator who bid for the Brisbane Temple here and really, its no less expensive than the Catholic Cathedral recondition in Town or the Buddhist Temple down the road.

    Any religion will always get criticised for having expensive looking places of worship, but if you consider that all religions consider these places holy, surely they should make the individual 'feel' as though they are apart from the world?

    I think its all too easy to turn around and critique the Mormon Church when ALL religions have quite expensive temples and places of worship...and most governments of the world build incredibly massive stadiums and the like...but don't get criticised

  1. donangelo Says:

    Sydney love,

    This is everything any mormon will ever need to know to show and prove that the mormon cult is not true.

    And that joseph smith is and was a false prophet, so listen up everyone especially you nicko, and all of you mormons who are still lost, because of the lies that joseph smith told.



    mormonism teaches-there are many true Gods throughout the universe.

    But the holy bible say-there is and ever will be only one true God isaiah 43:10-11

    mormonism teaches that GOD is a man.

    I will prove that the world is wrong,by showing what GOD is.God himself was once as we are now,and is an exalted man.We have imagined and supposed that GOD was God from all eternity.I will refute that idea,I know more than all the world. joseph smith journal of discourses 6:3-4

    But the holy bible tells us Sydney

    God has eternally existed as GOD
    HE IS NOT A MAN PSALM 90:2 PSALM 50:21 HOSEA 11:9

    God is spirit john 4:24 timothy 6:15-16

    mormonism teaches-the doctrine of the trinity is an invention of corrupted Christianity,the father son and holy ghost are three GODS one in purpose only

    The holy bible teaches us-there is one GOD manifested in three persons father,son and holy spirit deu 6:4 isaiah 44:8 romans 1:7 john 1:1

    We are unable to comprehend GOD completely job 11:7-9 psalm 145:3
    Father son and holy ghost are one God in essence or nature or are also one in purpose ephesians 1:4-10

    mormonism teaches-that Jesus Christ is the first born spirit child of heavenly father and heavenly mother,and therefore the oldest spirit brother of all mankind.

    and mormonism also teaches that-jesus christ is also the spirit brother of lucifer the devil,and that JESUS was not always a GOD,but reached perfection and a fullness of godhood after his resurrection.

    But the holy bible teaches us-that JESUS CHRIST is eternally GOD HAVING EXISTED AS GOD FOREVER john 1:1-2,14

    And the holy bible also teaches us-that Jesus created all things including lucifer and therefore Jesus is satans creator,not his brother john 1:1-3 colossians 1:16-17 ephesians 6:12

    And the holy bible also teaches that Jesus also presented himself to men as GOD during his earthly ministry john 5:18,10:30-33

    mormonism teaches that-there are two kinds of salvation,general salvation,individual salvation spending eternity in the presence of GOD is attained by a combination of gods grace plus the individuals works,mormonism also say that Christ sacrificial atonement is not sufficient to cleanse the penitent from all sin,mormonism say there are some sins beyond the reach of the work of Christ and must be atoned for by the individuals.those obtaining the highest level become gods,creating worlds and accepting worship from their children.

    The holy bible teaches us-All people will be resurrected to face GODS JUDGEMENT and will be consigned to heaven or hell for all eternity matthew 25:31-34

    And the holy bible also tells us-that salvation,redemption from sin and reconciliation to GOD is a gift of GOD by grace through faith not of works ephesians 2:8-10 romans 3:21-26

    because CHRISTS SACRIFICIAL ATONEMENT IS SUFFICIENT to cleanse believers from all sin hebrews 9:12john 1:7 CHRIST will be of no benefit to those who seek to gain salvation on their own merits galatians 5:1-6 romans 3:10-20

    there is but one true GOD AND THERE WILL NEVER BE ANY OTHER isaiah 43:10-11

    men will not recieve worship in the eternal world,but instead will give worship to the only one who is worthy to recieve it revelations 5:12-13

    mormonism teaches-the only way to know spiritual truth is to ask God in prayer to reveal it through personal revelation.mormonism say this revelation comes in the form of a good feeling,sometimes described as a burning in the bosom.God gives truth a little time mormonism say therefore the investigator need not learn the deeper doctrines before joining the lds church.

    but the holy bible teaches us-that feelings are deceptive and should not be trusted jeremiah 17:9 proverbs 28:26 2 thes 2:10-12

    the holy bible also teaches us-that all spirits should not be believed,but must be tried and tested to see whether they are of God 1 john 4:1,any proclamation of spiritual truth is to be measured against GODS WORD the holy bible acts 17:11 2 timothy 2:15

    because the holy bible also tells us-the way to discern between true and false prophets is by applying GODS TEST GIVEN IN THE HOLY BIBLE deu 13:1-5 18:20-22

    because christian believers are not to withhold any information,but instead we are to always be ready to answer all questions about our christian faith

    And preach the full message of new life in Christ. 1 peter 3:15 acts 5:20

    So you see everyone especially you mormons who are lost,I love you,and you see now for your own selves,the gospel that joseph smith taught and passed on to others do not line up with the holy bible,which means joseph smith was a false prophet because he taught a different gospel,than the one that is presented to us in the holy bible,which mean you must reject and distance yourselves from what joseph smith taught. and you must be born again. because everything that joseph smith taught goes against the holy bible which shows that the foundation of mormonism is false and that mormonism is going to crumble,becuase it is not true it is false.

    I did all of this out of love,and have shared these truths out of love.

    And remember it is not what I SAY it is what the holy GOD OF ISRAEL SAYS AND SAID,FOR THE GOD OF ISRAEL IS THE ONE AND ONLY TRUE GOD




  1. Anonymous Says:

    Very true! I forgot my name and my sister reminded me what it was by hinting. I think the fact men don't women't names may be less offensive than when women covenant to hearken to their husbands as he hearkens to God, while men just hearken to God. WTF? And the reason? Because Eve at the fruit first.

    So, man is not punished for Adam's trangressions, but Eve is. It used to be that women covenanted to obey their husbands. Also, you covenant to give everything to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints-not the Lord's church, but the corporation.

    I have run screaming from the room but didn't want to create a scene.

    The church doesn't tell people how freaky things are and what you have to promise to do. Women are nothing in this church and many seem content to be treated like crap.

  1. Nicko Says:


    I'm sure this is not the place for a doctrinal debate but to be honest, I don't really care for them anyway. I've always stuck to the principle that Bahai taught me growing up, 'when two people argue about religion, both are wrong'. I think that is a good lesson to learn for you my friend.

    You keep referring to the bible as the 'source of all things truth'. I do love the bible and do love the teachings of the Old and New Testament, but I don't necessarily agree that its either (a) complete or (b) infallible. The KJV is as the Church suggests, the best translation, but there are still many discrepancies in this book.

    Bottom line is, you poke holes in Mormonism like its swiss cheddar but don't care to examine your own faith with the same detail.

  1. Anonymous Says:

    Why is it, when anybody criticizes the LDS church, its defenders chime in with "everybody else is doing it, why pick on us?". I grew up believing the LDS church was different from all other churches. I grew up believing it was the one true church of Jesus Christ. But when open your eyes and take a closer look, you'll find it's just like all the others, and much worse in many respects.

    I wouldn't care if the LDS church was building hundreds of temples a year, as long as an equal amount of money was going to charity. The mall is something altogether different. I don't know how believing Mormons justify that kind of money going to a mall, when the church has only spent half of that on charity in the past 22 years. It doesn't compute. Fortunately, I don't have to make it OK in my head and heart anymore, and can call it like I see it.

  1. Andee Says:


    We agree yet again.

    I certainly can't understand how Mormons justify that either. Shouldn't most of tithing money go toward charity? I certainly think so.

  1. Nicko Says:

    I think Kristen the reason why I go on and on about critiquing the church and not other institutions because it makes your whole argument very unbalanced. This is what 'anti-mormons' do quite frequently.

    But I take your point...

    I have this taxation friend of mine who is not a member but suggests that non-for profits have very strict rules about what money needs to be used where. But thats here in Australia though. As far as I could surmise though, fast offering and 'humanitarian' donations have to be used for those purposes only. Tithing on the other hand is for the purpose of infrastructure building. I am pretty sure you can't use Tithing for 'charity'. The money that goes out in foreign aid, etc, etc essentially is members donating fast offering and humanitarian aid money to the church. I think that the Bishops need to be clearer to their members about what money is used for what. Sometimes its just assumed that they know...

    Even then, Tithing money would not be used in this instance for the mall. There have been alot of very wealthy folk give money to the church for various reasons. Money which could quite easily have been used to invest into various money making activities...

  1. Andee Says:


    We don't critique the church because it's fun or exciting... we do it because we lived it and we were hurt by it. Speaking out does not make us Anti-Mormons.

    There is no excuse on the money that is being spent on this mall. No excuse at all!

    How much good could that money do? How many immunizations could it buy? Meals? Clothes? Homes? Look at the big picture here!

    You have to admit that it does seem as if the church is putting too much emphasis on it's infastructure, as you put it, and not enough on aid.

    I think making excuses like claiming all of the other places the money came from is just talking past the point. That money could be better spent, and we all know it.

  1. Nicko Says:

    Hmm I take your point Sydney but I still think there are legal aspects to it all that we can't really comprehend at this moment. But I guess we could go on and on about these things without really ever knowing because as you've suggested, the Church rarely publishes its financial position or resources. However I DO stand by my comment that 'aid' is giving out in charitable donations as a direct result of members 'fast offering and humanitarian' aid contributions.

    The other thing we aren't considering is how much domestic aid gets given in the form of fast offering which doesn't really get discussed nor totally documented. Alot goes out in my ward, That much I do know having been the financial clerk at one stage.

    And I never considered you ANTI-Mormon...you know I don't.

  1. Andee Says:


    Ahh, we are truly talking in circles here. I continue to point out that the church could do more, but focuses on other things. You continue to point out that we don't know how much money goes where.

    Thing is, the church could do everyone a favor and just tell everyone where the money goes. Share the financial statements. What do they have to hide?

    As for the anti-Mormon comment, I wasn't implying you thought I was an anti-Mormon, but I do know truly confused pretty well from another forum, and she is dealing with the very same issues I am. She comes from the same place. We are just simply venting our frustration over the fact that we had to learn these things on our own when they should have been taught to us by the church.

    The church isn't being honest, Nicko... thats all.