I Am So Dumb, And So Is This Website

Posted by: Andee / Category: , ,

I just went through and made sure all of the comments left on the blog were published, and I came across an old comment left by a teenager. His name was Joey, and he did his best to prove to me that he wasn't Mormon but he found my blog offensive in nature. He used phrases like, "Tearing down other's faith," and told me WindySydney was full of lies because his Mormon friends "told him so."

This is a dilemma I run across from time to time...

If Joey was being honest, and his Mormon buddies told him that everything on my blog was lies, then I should just chill, right? He is just a kid! What does he know? Right? Wrong? I don't know.

Sometimes I fight to remind myself that some of the people leaving ignorant comments here are just kids who don't know any better. I was one of them once. Hell, we were all one of them once, right? Should I just ignore comments that come from someone who tells me they are just a kid?

Curious as to what everyone else would do...



  1. steve-o Says:

    My grandfather is 82 years old, a staunch TBM, and a hard-core, right-wing-as-they-come Republican. He loves to forward emails to my family that advocate traditionally Republican points of view on subjects like immigration, the military and taxes. I find many of these emails close-minded and offensive. Every once in a while, I will reply with an alternative point of view. Sometimes I will discuss things with him in person.

    My grandfather is an extremely intelligent man--he graduated #1 in his class in grad school and was at the top of his field when retired. However, when he disagrees with me but can't give me any information or logical argument to support his point of view, he'll say "Steve-o, my 82 years of wisdom and experience tell me that..."

    My point is this: a person's age and/or experience do not change the value of their ideas. A good idea is a good idea. A bad idea is a bad idea. The same is true when looking at someone's title in your company. I've noticed that the bigger my title has become, the more people will listen to what I have to say, which I find quite dumb, since most of what I've had to say on any number of subjects has been the same for years.

  1. Andee Says:

    You are right Steve-O.

    A good idea is a good idea, and a bad idea is a bad idea.

    I just go back and forth when I deal with kids. I am now pretty good at figuring out when people are trying to pull a fast one on me, and I think that sometimes they lie and tell me they are younger than they really are.

    This Joey kids strikes me as a true-believing Mormon through and through, even using Mormon phrases like "Tearing down other's faith." That is something I have only heard from fellow Mormons.

    Of course, I could be wrong.

    I would just hate to cross the line, because the last thing I want to do is to hurt a child.

  1. steve-o Says:

    You don't advertise your blog as a place for children, and really, it's the responsibility of a parent to monitor their children's online activities anyway.

    Sooner or later, we all grow up, and if your blog is one of the ways this kid does grow up, so be it. I wouldn't feel bad about it. It's not like you're forcing him to read it.

  1. Anonymous Says:

    Maybe Joey is actually the guy who was complaining about the size of his ice cream scoop and is embarassed you talked about him?

    Seriously, I am not sure if he is really a kid or not, BUT at some point he has to learn to grow up. If someone, even a kid, posts a comment they should be prepared for the consequences. That means other people may not "chill" with them. Also, the fact he identifies himself as a kid is weird. My nieces and nephews would never in a million years admit to being "just a kid". That makes me question why he said that.

  1. Anonymous Says:

    I'll engage anyone who attempts to present a logical argument. Beyond that, it depends on my mood.

  1. Andee Says:

    I think you guys are right.

    I DEFINITELY don't advertise my blog as place for kids. If they find the blog it's of their own doing. It might come from a search on google or by word of mouth. Some of the articles I write have nothing to do with Mormonism at all... it could be one of those articles that leads them here.

    As for Joey stating that he was "just a kid," I couldn't agree more. I certainly would have never said that if I were a teenager responding to something online. I would have thought that adults would not take me seriously just due to my age. (For the record, I think children and teenagers don't get enough credit. They are very smart and shouldn't be automatically dismissed.)

  1. James Says:

    If Joey was being honest, and his Mormon buddies told him that everything on my blog was lies, then I should just chill, right? He is just a kid! What does he know? Right? Wrong? I don't know.

    I would agree with you that most members are ignorant of certain details about the churches history. I don't feel these details really make a difference. Every question that is posed has many different possible answers. People will come to their own conclusions by filling in missing information with their own speculations.

    You think your information "proves" the mormon church to be wrong but what do you make of some of the information on this page.


    Let me just pull out some points I like.

    Recent discoveries in the translation of the glyphs of the 7th century A.D. Maya ruins of Palenque manifest the phrase 'and then it came to pass' and 'it had come to pass.'

    Stela 5 or the "Tree of Life Stone". The whole scene depicted on the stone follows very closely to Lehi's vision in the book of mormon.

    Another thing I find very interesting is accounts of Quetzalcoatl, the "Great White God", and his similarity to Christ's visit to the americas depicted in the book of mormon.


    Both were recognized as creator of all things.

    Both were born of virgins

    Both are described as being white or as wearing a white robe.

    Both performed miracles.

    Both taught the ordinance of baptism.

    Both prophesied of future events.

    Both were universal as opposed to just being recognized as local gods.

    A great destruction was associated with both at exactly the same time period in history.

    The cross was a symbol to both.

    Both sent out disciples to preach their word.

    Both promised they would come a second time.

    A new star is associated with both.

    The children of both will become lords and heirs of the Earth.

    This information seems to "prove" the book of mormon to be true but the reality is that you really can't prove the book of mormon because information presented for or against the book of mormon is left open to interpretation, or people can choose what information to ignore.

    I have asked lots of questions, looked through lots of information and I have found that I really can't defiantly prove or disprove the LDS church or the existence of God. I have found that what gives me the greatest knowledge of the truthfulness of the church comes with studying the scriptures and following the commandments. I have found that the council of the prophets is true by following it.

    Of course you can go ahead and write off what I have to say because you think I am ignorant of the world around me. You would be right to some degree. There is a lot that I don't know, but you should also acknowledge that there is a lot that nobody knows. Even some of the most knowledgeable people on earth would still only know a fraction of what knowledge of available to learn and that is only a fraction of what is available.

    Speaking purely from a logical standpoint I can say that the church has the possibility of being false. It also has the possibility to be true. I really can't know on a logical basis alone. That is where personal revelation and faith comes it. I believe the church to be true but that means nothing to you because personal revelation is...well personal. You can experience these things for yourselves but that requires you to open up your mind, and more importantly open up your heart. You need to have a genuine interest in knowing if the church is true. Keep in mind you can't always have an answer for everything and things can't happen how you always want it to. With humility and patience you can gain your own witness but it wont come without work on your part.

    I hope that I conveyed what I wanted to say. I challenge you to question what negative things you have heard about the church. Find out what is actually fact and more importantly what these facts mean. Open up your mind to different possibilities rather than what conclusions about the church others have have made for you. I recognize that I myself am in the same situation only on the other side of the coin. Just know that I do question my beliefs all the time but with some faith and patience I can find answers to questions and have ultimately decided that the church is true.

    This comment has gone on long enough. I only hope you don't choose to ignore me because you view me as some ignorant 19 year old.

  1. Anonymous Says:

    James-after doing my own research(not listening to others) I determed that the church was not what it said it was. I grew up in the church. I come from an active family.

    I just starting doing research and determined JS was a liar and pedophile and BY was a racist. Interestingly enough, I think the church is everything that the BofM warned them about. Focused more on appearance than worship. Caring more about money than serving others. The temples (and the new mall) are definitely great and spacious buildings. You get the idea.

  1. Anonymous Says:

    It's just like the "Friend of a friend" tactic. LOL