Stupid Article!

Posted by: Andee / Category: ,

In November of 2007 I wrote one of my first articles on WindySydney about the Mormon Temple. It was basically an informative thing, explaining the different ceremonies and temple garb. There is a photo of a couple peeps in their garmies... you should see the number of people who want me dead just for that photo alone.


I signed up for this website monitoring thing. Don't worry, they don't know who you are or where you live... they just keep track of which articles people read and how they get referred to WindySydney.

That stupid Mormon Temple article is the most popular thing on the whole blog. It's weird to me. It's supposedly so offensive to Mormons, yet they cant help themselves from reading it and leaving me nasty comments. I really don't care, but I wish they would at least take the time to read some of the other stuff, too!

Know something that is even weirder? The second most popular article is the review I did on the Pizza Hut/Hershey Chocolate Dunkers. Really? A food review? Maybe I should do more of them.




  1. steve-o Says:

    I happened to be scanning your old entries and had stopped at that temple entry when my TBM wife happened to walk in the room and see that photo on my big 22" monitor. I haven't seen her that upset in a long time.

    The sad thing is that I didn't even read that entry. I've been in the temple, was endowed, and have no need to read any criticism of it. As far as I'm concerned, if Mormons want it to be sacred (or secret--take your pick), that's just fine by me. I explained this to the little lady, but I don't think she bought it.

  1. Andee Says:


    Sorry it upset your wife, but I really don't see what the big deal is. Even when I was a good Mormon girl the whole temple garment thing made me roll my eyes. Those photos are everywhere... photobucket, flickr... you name it. It's not a secret anymore.

    The sacred versus secret thing is huge for true believers.

    I just think it's dumb to sit around and pretend that no one knows about the temple garments. Everyone knows Mormons wear holy undies! Who the hell cares? :)

  1. steve-o Says:

    I don't think she realized that sort of thing was out there--never even crossed her mind. And, like most Mormons I've known, she has the persecution complex, so she was very disappointed that I was looking at an "anti-Mormon" website. After all, if you're not for the church, you're against it.

    In any case, not a big deal. She hasn't mentioned it since.

  1. Unknown Says:

    I just check out that post about the temple, wow, very informative and well written. I also had fun reading the comments. I can't believe how "good christians" can react when people are exercising their free agency.

    I just got back from a weekend camp trip, so much reading to do!

    And those chocolate things, omg, do they still have them?! I want!!

  1. James Says:

    I just think it's dumb to sit around and pretend that no one knows about the temple garments. Everyone knows Mormons wear holy undies! Who the hell cares? :)

    By the same logic, it should be no problem if we all walked around naked.

  1. Andee Says:

    Yeah James...

    EXACTLY the same thing.

  1. Anonymous Says:

    I just find it funny that they are googling for the stuff that might lead them to that article. Why search for something that could possibly make you angry? LOL

    I wonder what the search engine key words were used...