
Posted by: Andee / Category: , ,

Thank you to everyone who has sent me their email addresses and other information. It's very encouraging to know that there are so many people out there willing to take a stand on this issue. There are tons of people working to get the website up and ready, and I just wanted to briefly update everyone on what is happening.

We have decided that our website should be about allowing people to express their opinions, let them post and share their letters if they wish, give them talking points to assist with their letters, and encourage people to share the website with their family and friends.

This did begin as a mass resignation campaign, and we will link to MormonNoMore for those who wish to resign. That way the information is out there for those who need it.

I, along with TONS of other people, will be resigning as a part of this campaign. We just felt it was important to let other people share their opinions... even if they didn't feel it was a good time for them to resign, or if they didn't want to resign.

More updates soon, as promised!

Thank you again for all of your support and time.
