Simply Amazing

Posted by: Andee / Category: , ,

Check out this amazing note a friend nicknamed "paths" left on a family website... I loved it, and I use it with permission. Check out the original post, here.

It is the same in India. They treat all of the people in that country as humans. Just some humans have greater value and more rights than others. It is typical in any caste system. I will now consider the three degrees of glory and of course outer darkness.

The Celestial Kingdom is for the rulers and Priests, Gods or Gods in the Making. It is also for those who serve the Gods but will never be a God because they do not have a wife or Husband.

The Terrestrial Kingdom is for those who are good people, but who don't like to follow rules which seem ridiculous to them. Like they think that being kind is more important than being an "active Mormon". I think that most Mormons would have to admit that D&C 76 puts people like mother Teresa there. After all God sees it as being more important that people spend countless Sundays in meetings, rather than spending a life in poverty trying to feed the poorest in the world. You see Mother Teresa cannot possibly go to the Celestial Kingdom because she didn't checkoff the correct check list to be able to go into the Celestial glory. Please do not think that she will have the opportunity to accept the gospel in the spirit world because that is ignorant and disrespectful. Why would she want to have anything to do with a church that is more concerned with building a great and spacious mall in Salt Lake than it is for feeding the poor. If she were still alive can you honestly think that she would ever consider joining the LDS church?

The Telestial Kingdom is for those who were bad down here and did not sin against a knowledge of the truth in the LDS church. This is where Hitler goes.

Then there is the spot for the untouchables, those in outer darkness. Here is where I can look forward to going if the LDS church has got it right. I had a KNOWLEDGE that the church is true. I went to the temple and unless someone has mercy on my soul and blood atones me so that my blood will atone for my sins (see Brigham Young, blood atonement) Christs atonement cannot reach me. Hitler will have a place that is great and glorious and I will have an eternity with fire and brimstone because I have fought against God and His church, have broken my temple covenants and seek to destroy the Mormon Church.

So the church has a caste system it is built into its theology. It is easy for all Mormons to say we treat Gays like people. They just treat them like a lower class of people, a people who don't matter as much. This is justified because if Gays had sex when married instead of when not married it would mean Gods fury would be unleashed on this nation and would eventually mean our ultimate demise. Boy it almost makes me wish I believed in God again and could then worship such a hateful and destructive God.

In all seriousness I do not love the Mormon God. I will never worship him even if the LDS church turns out to have it right. I would tell him when being judged by him that I would rather spit in his face and be sent to endless misery down in outer darkness than kneel in his presence. His caste system sucks. His mercy and love are conditional and I want nothing to do with hi