Choosing The Left

Posted by: Andee / Category: , , ,

About a month ago I ordered this CTL ring off the Internet. It's pretty cool, and I love the conversations it starts. I have actually had the opportunity to point out some of the hypocrisies of my believing Mormon co-workers, and meet other people who feel the way I do.

The other day I was typing something up on the computer, and a co-worker saw the ring. The first thing he said was, "What language is your CTR ring in?" I smirked and told him it was in English. It took him a couple seconds, but then he said, "CTL? Choose... the left? Why would anyone want to choose the left?"

Just because I can.

He then made the comment that "we would all see who was right one day."

I couldn't agree more.

Another of my co-workers had a tizzy-fit about the ring. She thought I was making fun of her religion and threatened to go to Human Relations about it. I simply pointed out that if she asked that I take off my ring, she would also have to take off her CTR ring. After a couple minutes she chilled out and apologized for freaking out.

Fun times.



  1. Unknown Says:

    I can't believe she got pissed over a ring! If she doesn't like it, she can ignore it. I'm sure she would have no hesitation to talk about her religious beliefs at any given moment, why can't someone else state their opinion, especially since it is in a quiet non-threatening way? Religious people in Utah are nuts :)

  1. Anonymous Says:

    OK, now that is classic! She was threatening to go to HR? Talk about immature. You so live in Utah! That would never come in another state.

    And yes, that man is right, some day you will see who is right. If it is the mormon god then he gets multiple wives who will have his babies for eternity, and treats women like crap. Good times! I would want to be there for sure.

  1. Andee Says:

    It's really funny guys...

    I mean, I love it when people assume it's a CTR ring and then notice it's not. In one split second I am their enemy. It's classic TBM thinking...

    She could have gone to HR about it if she wanted... I would have loved to bring that up to corporate :D

  1. Unknown Says:

    The Todays Capture. OMG. Beautiful pic.

  1. Andee Says:

    Thank you demand more!!! That means a lot :D

  1. Anonymous Says:

    that is so awesome- you have balls Andee! (I mean that in the nicest way....)

    Their responses are so typical. I totally admire you for keeping your cool when confronted by these poor misguided people. I don't think I would be able to. You are a great ambassador for the post mormon movement!

  1. Andee Says:

    Thats very kind of you to say, Amber.

    Most of the time when stuff like this happens to me, I bite my tongue because I walk a fine line at my job. I want to stand up for what I believe in, but I don't want to be unprofessional in any way.

    In my humble opinion, religion should stay out of work at all times, so I never bring it up. It's only when I am asked about my feelings that I say something. It's hard, because the mind control over some of these people is just obvious.

    I should buy a roll of duct tape and have it handy in case I need to tape my mouth shut. :)

  1. Anonymous Says:

    I found your blog because I was looking for a temple picture for my blog, interesting ring....of course you can go which ever direction you want to:) I believe in freedom of religion, but I was curious of your belief in God? Do you believe there is a god, do you believe any religion to be true? I'm going to stay anonymous, because of your hatred towards mormons, but I've noticed that you reply back on your comments, maybe a lot of your anonymous comments come because latter day saints google for temple pictures and come across your blog.

  1. Andee Says:


    I don't believe any religion has it right.

    You must be confused though, I don't hate Mormons. I have an extreme distaste for the leaders of the Mormon Church for keeping things swept under the rug, like how the translation of the Book of Mormon really happened.

    I don't hate Mormons, sweetie. I simply love honesty. Big difference.


  1. James Says:

    You must be confused though, I don't hate Mormons.

    I know you don't hate mormons but it does come across that way when you are trying to find faults in them and then post them on your blog to be laughed at.

    You always say how treat everyone the same. I have never gotten the impression that you treat people of the LDS faith the same.

    I treat people as I would want to be treated. Sorry I can't say the same about the sorry excuse for a human that accused me of being a bad person.

    This is from your "WHAT?" post. You say one thing then almost contradict in the next line.

    I don't mean it in an attacking way at all, I am just pointing it out hoping you will realize this and hopefully make some changes to your attitude towards those of the LDS faith.