The Big Move

Posted by: Andee / Category: ,

Well, Mom moved to Logan yesterday, and her house is starting to come together.

The moving company who helped was amazing, and the guys who were assisting with the move were very nice and extremely helpful. They even offered to hook up her washer and dryer for her even though they were not supposed to. Unfortunately, they were unable to hook up the dryer because we need a 4 pronged cord instead of the 3 pronged cord she has now. Should be an easy fix with a quick trip to Lowe's.

There were a couple minor (okay, major) heart attack moments while putting her desk together. It's a huge thing, with bookcases and glass shelves... very nice and very expensive. We actually dropped the part with the glass shelves not just once... but twice. Luckily, the furniture is still in excellent condition with every little piece of glass still intact. Yep... God didn't punish us for leaving the church by a sad twist of fate... no sir. It was kind of funny because the first thing Mom said to me was (sarcastically), "This is what happens when people leave the church... everything just falls apart!" We had a much needed laugh about it.

Things are coming together, and I am glad to have her closer to me. We will have a lot more together-time, and I am excited about that.



  1. Anonymous Says:

    Umm, what is 4 pronged cord? I have never heard of such a thing. Is that a Utah thing?

    I am so glad that you both survived the move. That is great news!